Awash in Grace

Awash in Grace
Matt Schroeder

like the time we sailed
across four lanes of traffic
on a blown tire

simply to see
if we could

after losing vapor trails
held our breath until our lips
blued themselves in the dark

all this
is akin
to almost

a kin we’ve woken
within ourselves

like a photo taken
to let in too much light
blurring who we could be
with a dazed shudder

in a wash of warm water
our voices losing themselves
in what little space escaping air
devotes to the sounds we make

how many times we have pressed
our heads to the ground
knees nailed to the floor
tongues tied

to the long hand
of an empty room

all make-believe
as we bathe in our

the silence
& goes about its day

as we get up
awash in grace

so sure something has been changed

Matt Schroeder is a poet & educator. His works can be found at New World Writing, Thin Air Online, & forthcoming at Poet Lore.